Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Another Blow

I know it's been a while.  The start of blogging really got me and now I have settled in.  I will probably try to update this once a week.  Thanks to all of you who have followed closely and the kind word that you have shared.

So I am wondering when the run of luck will end.  If you can call it luck.  What's the opposite of luck? Unluck, deluck, non-luck, however you want to say it...that's what we are dealing with right now.  My wife and I had a great donor lined up.  We were ready to pull the trigger and go with this particular person.  But we both know better than to get our hopes up...and we were right.  The tests came back with poor FSH levels or some type of three letter thing.  The doctor recommends that we do not move forward with her.

I really makes me wonder sometime just how many more things can go against us. Every time I think that we have to be able to catch a break here or there it doesn't happen.  It would be like a baseball player striking out every time they are at the plate.  Can it happen alot? sure...but eventually they get on base or something goes right.

Then I have to hear  the pregnant people who are complaining about being pregnant and how they can't wait to have this baby to just be done being pregnant.  When I would gladly take the pain they are going through over the pain that we feel every day.  8 months compared to 4 years...I pick 8 months.

Dear Child,

It's not an easy road.  But I guess we need to continue to look for ways to learn and grow from each experience.  Edison said that he didn't fail just found a thousand ways that didn't work.  Well it feels that we are close to that 1,000 mark but we must continue to push through.  As much pain as we are going through...you are worth it.  You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved. You will be loved.


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